leadwell cohorts to maximize your kingdom impact

We gather and learn for accelerated results.


Through a unique blend of collaborative learning, cross discipline resources, and mentor access, LeadWell Cohorts help you develop a community of peers, grow in key competencies and address your greatest challenges and opportunities.

LeadWell Cohorts

Through LeadWell Cohorts, leaders gain unique insights from peer learning environments. LeadWell Cohorts leverage the group setting for leaders in similar roles. The wisdom of well seasoned mentors and expert resources from multiple disciplines empower participants to tackle some of the most pressing issues and opportunities of our time. This collaborative community helps leaders bust through their leadership lids and create plans for accelerated results.

2024 Cohorts Filling Quickly

Executive Pastors

The Executive Pastor LeadWell Cohort will gather 10-12 leaders from churches with average weekend attendance of at least 1,000.  This year’s cohort, in addition to the on-going value of peer interaction, will provide a unique opportunity to join other executive pastors as you lead through the resets resulting from the rapidly changing culture. Mentors for this cohort include David Thomas, Summit Church, Raleigh, North Carolina and John Cox, Watermark Community Church, Dallas, Texas.

Only 2 spots left for fall launch!

New Group Launches  October 15-17, 2024


Senior Pastors – Finishing Well

Join 10-12 Senior Pastors over the age of 50 to begin conversations about legacy building.  Explore with peers what you need now as you continue to lead well and begin to think about your next season of ministry.  Mentors for this cohort include Toby Slough, Cross Timbers Church, Argyle, TX and Steve Poe, Northview Church, Indianapolis, IN.

Spring Group Full!

Next group launches November 5-7, 2024


Senior Pastor

This cohort will gather 10-12 senior/lead pastors who are mid 30s to early 40s and are leading healthy, growing churches.  Learn from peers and other expert resources how to navigate the challenges of leading your churches to the next stage of growth and impact. Mentors for this include Jeff Jones from Chase Oaks Church, Plano, TX. 

Only 3 spots left for fall launch!

Next group launches October 1-3, 2024


Sign up to receive updates about upcoming cohorts.

Frequently Asked questions

Why be involved in a cohort?

There is significant power in the gathering of true peers that leads to leader and organizational health and accelerated results. Leaders always need this kind of support, challenge and encouragement, but perhaps now, more than ever.

How will the cohorts meet?

LeadWell Cohorts include multiple live in person meetings, group online updates, continued access to seasoned and caring mentors and curated leadership resources.

Who participates in the cohort?

You will be joined by 10-12 vetted senior leaders grouped by organizational size and lifestage. Some of the best learning comes through interaction with leaders from other disciplines. You will have access to subject matter experts in areas as broad as business, science and the arts that share success in their area that leads to application in your context.

Are there any guides or leaders of the cohort?

Not only do you have the support and insight of your peers, each group is served by mentors. These leaders see their role and calling as helping you to avoid some of the dumb tax they have already paid.

Are the cohorts relevant to today’s challenges?

Absolutely. You have led through one of the most difficult seasons this world has ever faced in the midst of a global pandemic, seeking to discern what’s next and what’s the new normal? And though some things are becoming clear, there are still a lot of unanswered questions. Participating in a LeadWell Cohort prevents you from leading in isolation and provides a diverse set of perspectives on some common leadership challenges and opportunities.

“Without exaggeration, Greg Ligon’s invitation into a peer cohort was ‘ministry saving’ for me as a leader and ‘ministry releasing’ for us as a church. His ability to gather true peers and provide access to C-level leaders in other sectors as a learning tool is without comparison. The leaders I have met and the insights I have gained have been beyond comparison.”
Michael Fletcher
Senior Pastor
Manna Church, Fayetteville, NC

“By putting us together with other like minded peers and forward thinking churches, Greg was instrumental in changing our trajectory. He helped us develop our multisite model that has allowed Lives Changed By Christ to grow to over 23,000 people meeting in nineteen locations across the state of Pennsylvania.”

David Ashcraft
Senior Pastor
Lives Changed By Christ, Lancaster, PA

“My longtime friend and colleague Greg Ligon knows peer learning. He has led the design and execution of groups that help Senior Leaders get better and go further together than you would ever go alone. The groups he has led have advanced kingdom innovation and fruit in the areas of multisite, leadership development, and other new path-breaking innovation. Why not connect with the best?”

David Travis
Strategic Counsel to Pastors and Church Boards
Generis, Atlanta, GA

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