brand strategies to maximize your kingdom impact
Creative and comprehensive initiatives
Our process of uncovering distinct mission and message, crafting branding structure and leading with discernment drives to innovation and accelerated results.



Find your true north… Let us show you how



The right solutions set you in the right direction and reduce the number of times you’ll need a course correction. Our clients testify that our solutions are used and impact their work for years to come.
“The dream team! The Ligon Group helps teams of any size focus on the most important outcomes, structuring a collaborative and strategic plan that is both actionable and measurable. I trust them with our most important authors and am grateful for the insights they bring to our team.”
Sr. Vice President and Group Publisher Children’s & Gift Group
Harper Collins Christian Publishing
Former SVP and Group Publisher
HarperCollins Christian Publishing
“I’ve had the joy to work with Greg and Susan on several projects; their insights and expertise have transformed the way we go about our work. They’ve been immensely helpful with marketing, strategy, brand management, and innovation. I love these guys!”
Best Selling Author
Wild at Heart
Don't delay maximizing your impact
If you’re waiting for the right moment to take a step forward, this is it. You’re here because you know you need to accelerate your results and live on-mission! Don’t keep wondering if you should — schedule a call right now!